Housing at Woodfire

We believe that people who belong to the community, or who support the community of woodfire ceramicists, should be able to live among fellow ceramicists and supporters. If you are crazy about this stuff, them you must be allowed to indulge yourself.

We have two categories of people who will live at woodfire:

  1. People with no means, but with talent and energy and goodwill, who are housed and fed by the center and in turn help to build the center.
  2. People of means, who enjoy the environment, are committed to the goals of the center, and want to support it. These people will pay for housing on the woodfire grounds, which will subsidize those in category 1, above.

The Woodfire Center will, in cooperation with affiliated building projects, create community housing with timeless, natural, comfortable qualities that are unfortunately rare in todays times. If you are interested in category 2 housing above, please contact us.